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What BatteryReVive is all about?

The beginnig of the future

We are a work team from the University of Minho, currently in the 1st year of the Industrial Engineering and Management Degree, who, driven by passion and curiosity about current topics, created our first blog, guided by the professor, Nelson Costa and the student tutor, Sara Alves. In fact, the primary objective of the blog is to promote a creative and innovative idea, designed and worked on by us, that gives a second life to used batteries. We try to focus and strongly align ourselves with sustainability and UNESCO's sustainable development goals.

Centered on the theme of electric scooters and their strong negative impacts which, at the end of their life, are highly harmful to the environment and are addressed in an erroneous way, we intend to remedy this situation and, with this, find a solution that involves the reuse of batteries. Therefore, we propose to use those that are no longer capable of generating the energy necessary for their purpose and use them to accumulate the energy produced by solar panels, with the aim of using it for nighttime domestic energy consumption.


Dedication. Expertise. Passion.

Sustainability isn't just a buzzword; it's a necessity. Our team understands that safeguarding our planet's resources and biodiversity is crucial for a thriving future. We're driven by a deep sense of responsibility to leave a better world for generations to come.

Join us on our journey towards a more sustainable world. Together, we can make a difference.

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