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  • Writer's picturebatteryreviveuminh

Setting up our factory

Layout is a technique used to define the distribution and arrangement of the physical space on the factory floor. Therefore, the team created a layout that used space and labor efficiently, eliminated production bottlenecks, minimized investment and material handling costs, as well as promoted the quality of the final product.

Initially, the team had opted for implementation in cells, but taking into account the desired product and other factors analyzed, BatteryReVive will implement a production line in the flow shop model. One of the main factors that led to this change was the low diversity of the product, as it only differs in the number of batteries used in its production. Therefore, this issue can be easily resolved by adding or deleting batteries in the assembly section. Furthermore, the use of specific equipment, the high use of machines and the high productivity throughout the constant line flow that the company's layout presents were other typical aspects of an assembly line, which justifies the appropriate change of a implantation in cells for an in-line implementation of the flow shop model.

The company decided to distribute the different sections in order to facilitate the flow of materials and operators. Therefore, using the CORELAP method, it is advantageous for the Reception and Export section (S1) to be close to the materials and finished products storage section (S3). The section corresponding to disassembly (S2) will have to be next to the warehouse (S3), since after cutting materials, they will be moved to that same section, in order to be stored. Close to both sections mentioned (S2 and S3) will be the Assembly section and the Cleaning and Painting section (S4), and this section will be close to the Inspection and Maintenance section (S5), as the products will be tested and repaired if there is a problem. This section (S5) will have to be positioned next to the materials and finished products warehouse (S3), and the final products will be stored in this section and then exported from the company outside. The company, in addition to these sections, also has an area reserved for offices and a dining and leisure area for employees (S6), bathrooms near these offices (S7) and bathrooms near Production (S8) and a section reserved for the Courtyard (S9).

Following the algorithm, the proximity relationship between the sections is:

S3 – S2 – S4 – S5 – S1 – S8 – S7 – S6

Figure 1 - Implementation

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